Frequently Asked Questions about Newbury Park PONY Baseball
- Where do I register?
- What is the cost for registration?
- How do I pay for registration?
- Are girls allowed to play in NPPB?
- Are scholarships available?
- What is the refund policy?
- Is there a Volunteer Requirement? What is the
Volunteer Deposit?
- Tell me about Fall Ball!
- How long does the Spring season run?
- What is the typical practice/ game schedule for Shetland,
Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony?
- Where are games played?
- Are uniforms provided?
- Do I need to purchase gear?
- What are the cut-off ages by division?
- Where can I find the official rules?
- Can my child play in All-Stars?
- How can I stay informed about league events, key dates,
- What is the VIP Program?
- I still have questions. Who can I contact?
- 2022 Pony Age Change
1. Where do I register?
Register at by clicking on the “Register”
in the top right. Or click here.
You will need to create an account, or
login to your existing account. You will then either add (or find) your child’s name and will see “One Program
Available!” once registration opens. The system will walk you through registration from there.
If you forgot
your username or password, click on the appropriate link on the login page. If you still have trouble logging in
after trying to reset your username/ password, please contact Registration Advisor, [email protected] & [email protected]
2. What is the cost for registration?
Welcome to the Newbury Park Pony Baseball 2025 Spring Season!
Registration fees can vary each season. For the 2025 Spring Season, “Early” registration opens October 17th and closes at 11:59 pm on November 17th. “Regular/Guaranteed” registration begins November 18th and is open through December 31st closing at 11:59 pm.
Registrations received after December 31st are not guaranteed.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DATES: 10/17/24 to 11/17/24 11:59p.m. Guaranteed enrollment
Foal | $ 144.00 |
Shetland | $ 245.00 |
Pinto | $ 280.00 |
Mustang | $ 300.00 |
Bronco | $ 315.00 |
Pony | $ 315.00 |
Colt | $ 340.00 |
REGULAR REGISTRATION DATES: 11/18/24 to 12/31/24 11:59p.m. – Guaranteed enrollment
Foal | $ 169.00 |
Shetland | $ 270.00 |
Pinto | $ 305.00 |
Mustang | $ 325.00 |
Bronco | $ 340.00 |
Pony | $ 340.00 |
Colt | $ 365.00 |
2nd Participant Discount $10.00
3rd Participant Discount $ 15.00
4th Participant Discount $20.00
Subsequent Participant Discount $25.00
Discount applies to each additional child registering
3. How do I pay for registration?
The registration system allows secure credit card payment through the website. If you’d rather pay by check, register
as normal and select “Pay by Check”. Please mail a check to NPPB at 107 N. REINO ROAD PMB 125 NEWBURY PARK CA 91320.
Any check payable to NPPB that is returned will incur a $20 fee and payment will then have to be made in CASH.
Additionally, in order to receive the early registration price, payments must be received by NPPB by the
December 31st deadline. Any fees still owed after the December 31st deadline will increase to the regular/guaranteed registration
price (regardless of if you registered in the system before December 31st).
4. Are girls allowed to play in NPPB?
Absolutely! All teams are co-ed. We encourage sons and daughters to play.
5. Are scholarships available?
Yes. To download an application, please visit and you’ll find the form under the “Resources” tab.
Please note NPPB provides a limited number of scholarships for those who are in need of financial assistance. Full and partial scholarships granted are for the cost of regular spring season registration and does not include special events or extra activities that require participant/parent funding including, but not limited to, All-Star competition or invitational tournament play. Families granted a full or partial scholarship are required to give a $150 volunteer deposit and complete to regular season volunteer shifts required in order to receive volunteer deposit back at the end of the season.
6. What is the refund policy?
The league incurs costs in advance of each season to plan for items such as uniforms, equipment, etc. Because of
those upfront costs, the following Refund Policy is in place and enforced:
Refund requests made prior to the registration deadline will be honored
less a $15 fee. Refunds requested after the registration deadline and before the player is placed on a team will be
honored at a 50% rate. No refund is available once the player has been placed on a team.
7. Is there a Volunteer Requirement? What is the Volunteer Deposit?
There is a volunteer deposit collected at the beginning of the season. The current amount is $150 per player and not
to exceed a family amount of $300. Deposits are returned at the end of the season pending the completion of fulfilling
a volunteer role.
Volunteering is strongly encouraged, as we need this to keep our league running as well as it does. Volunteer
opportunities include managing/coaching a team, assistant coaching, team parents, snack shack, field prep- at least
half of the season, team yearbook page, team sponsor as well as many league advisor positions. Training is
available for many of the key roles including managing, team parenting, scorekeeping and field prep.
Your team parent will inform you of the open positions on your team.
Snack shack shifts must be covered by those that sign up via SignUp Genius or an alternate family from the same team. Volunteers that fail to complete the shift they sign up for or cancel within 24 hours will not be eligible to receive their volunteer deposit back.
8. Tell me about Fall Ball!
Registration for fall ball usually opens up mid-July and closes late August. An informal draft will take place and
notifications from managers are made the first week of September sometime. There are no evaluations for fall ball.
Fall Ball is designed to work on skill development in a fun, low-key, non-competitive environment. The season
typically includes 1 practice per week and a game on Sunday (so that it does not conflict with other Fall sports). The
season typically runs mid-September through the mid November. Registration fees include a jersey and a hat.
Jerseys are numbered 1 – 12 and your child will select a number based on uniform size. Custom jersey numbers are not
available for Fall season.
9. How long does the Spring season run?
Spring season officially runs the first weekend in March through the first weekend in June. Evaluations take place in
early January, followed by drafts and team formations. Practices usually begin in early February and the first game
will take place on the first Saturday in March with closing day on the first Saturday in June. During the spring
season, there are games on Saturdays, as well as one weekday. Practices are up to the discretion of team manager.
(Foal is the exception- see FAQ #10).
10. What is the typical practice/ game schedule for Foal, Shetland, Pinto, Mustang,
Bronco, Pony?
Foal does not have weekday practices, they typically have a 30 – 60 minute warm-up prior to game time,
then play a game. Games are held on Saturdays (only) at Dos Vientos Community Park. This division is setup to
introduce the kids to the game with minimal commitment.
Foal kids hit off a tee, although there may be coach soft pitch by end of season at coach
Beginning of season prior to time change/ Spring Break, teams will likely have 2 practices a week and games on
Saturday. After the time change, there are usually 1-2 practices per week and games Saturday plus typically 1
weekday game as well. Games are held at Dos Vientos and/or Sequoia Middle School. Shetland Gold Division
participate in interleague play with neighboring cities. Machine pitch is used in the Shetland Division.
Beginning of season prior to time change/ Spring Break, teams will likely have 2 practices a week and games on
Saturday. After the time change, there are usually 1-2 practices per week and games Saturday plus typically 1
weekday game as well. Games are held at Dos Vientos and/or Sequoia Middle School. Pinto Gold Division players
participate in interleague play with neighboring cities.. Pinto Division is coach pitch, however kid pitch is
introduced and occurs throughout the season.
Beginning of season prior to time change/ Spring Break, teams will likely have 2-3 practices a week and games on
Saturday. After the time change, there are usually 2 practices per week and games Saturday plus typically 1
weekday game as well. Games are held at Dos Vientos and/or Sequoia Middle School. Mustang Gold Division players
participate in interleague play with neighboring cities.
Bronco, Pony, Colt
Beginning of season prior to time change/ Spring Break, teams will likely have 2-3 practices a week and games on
Saturday. After the time change, there are usually 2 practices per week and games Saturday plus typically 1
weekday game as well. Bronco and Pony Divisions participate in interleague play and games will be held at Dos
Vientos as well as fields in neighboring cities.
11. Where are games played?
Game locations vary by division. Please see FAQ #10.
12. Are uniforms provided?
During the Spring Season, registration fees does include a uniform jersey, hat, and socks. Families must provide
pants and belt (color decided by team manager), as well as any protective gear. During Fall Season, registration fees include a uniform jersey and a hat.

13. Do I need to purchase gear?
A bat, helmet, cleats, and glove are required for play. A batter's helmet C-flap face guard is optional but if used,
the helmet must be factory designed to accept one.
14. What are the cut-off ages by division?
Divisions are age-specific. A cut-off age defines the age of the player used when assigning a division. Refer to the
chart on the website for the current cut-off ages.
15. Where can I find the official rules?
Official PONY rules and regulations can be found on the web site under the
"Resources" tab
16. Can my child play in All-Stars?
Newbury Park PONY Baseball registration is open to boys and girls age 4 to 17 from any area. In order to be eligible
for Sanctioned All-Star teams (at the end of the season) in the Shetland through Bronco Divisions, players must reside
in one of the following zip codes - 91319, 91320, 91360, 91361, 91362. Players that live outside of these zip codes
will become eligible for Sanctioned All-Star teams in their second spring baseball season with NPPB. The boundary rule
does not apply to the Pony Division.
Mid-way through the season, your child’s coach or manager will nominate players for All Star play. Gold Division
players are automatically eligible to be drafted for all-star play. Black Division players are eligible pending a
nomination by their manager. Following the deadline to submit an all-star interest form, a draft is held and teams are
17. How can I stay informed about league events, key dates, etc?
Newbury Park Pony Baseball is on Instagram @Newburyparkponybaseball and Facebook! Like us
here. Additionally, the league will send out routine emails throughout the season, keeping families informed of
key dates, fundraising events such as restaurant-nights-out and other fun events including Opening & Closing
18. What is the VIP Program?
The VIP program provides a quality baseball experience for young boys and girls whose physical or mental abilities
make it difficult to successfully participate on mainstream teams. VIP players include those who are autistic,
visually impaired, mentally or emotionally challenged, have Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or other conditions that
impair mobility. All players are welcome, these individuals are Very Important Players (VIP).
19. I still have questions. Who can I contact?
Please email [email protected] for additional information.
20. 2022 Pony Age Change:
On October 9th PONY Baseball and Softball International Board of Directors (PONY) voted to change the age determination date for baseball from August 31st to April 30th. This means that a player with a birthday in May, June, July or August will be eligible to play in the same age division as they did last year. For example, a player born in July of 2012 would have been a 9U Mustang player last year and will be a 9U Mustang player again this year. This includes both regular season play and All-Stars. We understand that this is both a positive opportunity for some families as they will be more competitive amongst their new peers and that it will have a negative impact for others.
Due to the wide range of scenarios that our families will encounter your board has voted to allow players affected by the age change to continue to play under the August 31st age determination date should they request to do so. The process to do so will be built into our spring registration portal. We encourage families to opt in to the new age determination date as it will allow your player to perform more competitively. More information will be provided at the upcoming board meeting (November 6th) as well as on our website and the registration portal.
We believe flexibility is the best approach here and we look forward to seeing you all this coming spring.